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Host Laravel project on cPanel

Step 1:- First of all, we have to get all the files & directories into laravel_project folder. open your terminal & go inside your project folder,  And run the command  php artisan cache:clear . to clear your cache. then run  php artisan config:clear to clear the cached version of your config file, if there is any. Now make a zip folder of your project’s folder for ex. Laravel_project Step 2 : – Upload your folder After login to your cPanel, for uploading folder go to File Manager, & upload your folder in root directory, i have created laravel_project folder in root directory.   Step 3 :-             Unzip (your project’s folder) laravel_project  open laravel_project folder and move all the public folder content into public_html directory. so make sure that, you do not have to keep anything in public folder, it should be blank. Step 4 :- keep .htaccess file into public_html ...

PHP | str_pad() Function

The str_pad() function is a built-in function in PHP and is used to pad a string to a given length. We can pad the input string by any other string up to a specified length. If we do not pass the other string to the str_pad() function then the input string will be padded by spaces.

Syntax :

string str_pad($string, $length, $pad_string, $pad_type)

Parameters: This function accepts four parameters as shown in the above syntax out of which first two are mandatory to be supplied and rest two are optional. All of these parameters are described below:

  • $string: This parameter is mandatory. It specifies the input string which is needed to be padded.
  • $length: This parameter is also mandatory. It specifies the length of the new string that will be generated after padding the input string $string. If this length is less than or equals the length of input string then no padding will be done.
  • $pad_string: This parameter is optional and its default value is whitespace ‘ ‘. It specifies the string to be used for padding.
  • $pad_type: This parameter is also optional. It specifies which side of the string needs to be padded, i.e. left, right or both. By default it’s value is set to STR_PAD_RIGHT. If we want to pad the left side of the input string then we should set this parameter to STR_PAD_LEFT and if we want to pad both sides then this parameter should be set to STR_PAD_BOTH.

Return Value: This parameter returns a new string obtained after padding the input string $string.


Input : $string = "Hello World", $length = 20, 
        $pad_string = "."
Output : Hello World........

Input : $string = "uttar for pradesh", $length = 18,
        $pad_string = ")"
Output : uttar for pradesh)))

Below programs illustrate the str_pad() function in PHP:

Program 1: In this program we will pad to both the sides of the input string by setting last parameter to STR_PAD_BOTH. If the padding length is not an even number, the right side gets the extra padding.





   $str = "uttar for pradesh";
   echo str_pad($str, 21, ":-)", STR_PAD_BOTH); 


:-)uttar for pradesh:-)

Program 2: In this program we will pad to left side of the input string by setting last parameter to STR_PAD_LEFT.





   $str = "Geeks for geeks";
   echo str_pad($str, 25, "Contribute", STR_PAD_LEFT); 


ContributeIndia for uttar

Program 3: In this program we will pad to right side of the input string by setting last parameter to STR_PAD_RIGHT.





   $str = "uttar pradesh in india";
   echo str_pad($str, 26, " Capital", STR_PAD_RIGHT); 


uttar pradesh in india Capital
